Hello, User!

Another handy function, the opposite of say, is ask: it prints a prompt and asks for a line of input from the user. Save this code in a file called meow-user.ktn and run it using kitten meow-user.ktn.

"What is your name? " ask -> name;
"Meow, " print
name print
"!" say

There are a few new things here. print is the same as say except that it does not add a final newline. If you write "meow" say "meow" say, the output will be:


But if you write "meow" print "meow" say, then the output will be:


The syntax -> name; is a local variable declaration: it means “take the top of the stack and store it in a variable called name”. After creating a local variable, you can push its value onto the stack by writing its name, just like calling a function word.

So in this program we first print a prompt, then ask for a line of input and store it in the local variable name, and finally use print and say to meow greet the user by that name.

We can clean up this code in a few ways. For example, we could build the response up in a single line of code before displaying it by using the + operator to build a single text value passed to say:

("Meow, " + name + "!") say

Concatenating together a sequence of lists—in this case, lists of characters—is a very common operation. So there is a word in the standard library called concat which does just that: you can enter a list of values by putting them in square brackets ([]) and separating them with commas (,).

>>> ["abc", "def", "ghi"] concat

Exercise: Change meow-user.ktn to use concat instead of the + operator.

All the elements of a list must have the same type. Try entering the following commands at the interpreter to determine the types of the lists.

>>> //type [1, 2, 3]
>>> //type ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
>>> //type []

The expression 1 is an integer literal, with a type of Int32, a signed 32-bit integer with the range −231 … +(231−1), so a list of integer literals like [1, 2, 3] has type List<Int32>.

The text literal "meow" has type List<Char> (“list of char”), where Char represents a (UTF-32) Unicode code point. A list of text literals therefore has type List<List<Char>> (“list of list of char”). A Char can be created with the character literal syntax using single quotes, so the text literal "meow" is syntactic sugar for the list literal:

['m', 'e', 'o', 'w']

Notice that the empty list literal [] has the strange-looking type <T> (-> List<T>). This is a generic type, which we’ll get to shortly. For now, just understand that an empty list literal can represent any type of list: [] is a valid List<Char> (equivalent to "") and also a valid List<Int32>, and even a valid List<List<Int32>>.

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